West Ham banter 2


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23 Jul 2024 06:23:19
Still lots of TALKING and DELIBERATING going on. Seems that's all that we've done this entire window whereas clubs like Villa have just got on with it.

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23 Jul 2024 09:47:54
Villa have got Champions League football which makes them more appealing to incoming players and I suspect terms easier to agree …

23 Jul 2024 15:19:50
Agreed Dabber, Villa are more appealing cause of Europe. Makes you wonder if we missed a trick when we were?

Early Season Analysis of Manchester United

22 Jul 2024 07:39:22
{Ed's Note - Shappy has posted a new article entitled, Early Season Analysis of Manchester United

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21 Jul 2024 15:53:01
Prior to Loppy officially taking charge, first lot of targets, where Guilherme and Richard Rios of Palmeiras, Gassove, winger. Kelleher GK Liverpool, Jaka Givol CH Udinese Kilman ch Wolves Bergwyn Ajax winger Jonathan David Cf, En Nesyri Cf and Ben Johnson to stay put, only two where actually bought, so obviously, there has been a big shift in thinking, or policy, and there's no question minimum of five players, where to be. In place end of July, lots of fans getting anxious. Don't think it's that time, not even close, but we need to get some players nailed

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21 Jul 2024 17:14:06
Al ittihad are seemingly very interested in Areola so why don't we swap areola for Kante and get Ramsdale who Arsenal are willing to loan out this would cost us virtually nothing but wages. LILLE want Aguerd so what about a swap deal for jonathon david? Just thoughts lol

22 Jul 2024 08:16:47
Nayef Aguerd to Lille in an exchange deal for Jonathan David would be great business, but I don't see it happening

22 Jul 2024 11:55:35
I don't know why West ham never entertain swap deals Why didn;t we swap Downes for JWP? Villa did some good business with Juve so what are we waiting for, in fact, what are we waiting for in this entire window

We've had weeks and weeks of talks with clubs about players.

I'm sick of reading the same articles that always start "So far this summer WEST HAM have made 3 signings, Fotheringham, Guillerme and KILMAN and then 5 pages later there are 2 lines.

Ogbonna has gone and we replaced him with KILMAN. We brought GUILLERME in and god knows where he will play and then a goalie.

So anyone, please, tell me, what is going on because we've lost players, but where is this so called rebuild?

Personally it wouldn;t surprise me if that's the end of the window for us

22 Jul 2024 11:56:19
And if OSHEE can think of swap deals, why can't our MANAGEMENT? All because of SULLIVAN I guarantee it

Arne Slot's Liverpool Tactical Setup

21 Jul 2024 07:39:18
{Ed's Note - Fixer has posted a new article entitled, Arne Slot's Liverpool Tactical Setup

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20 Jul 2024 18:22:50
After watching that game today , what on earth are we going to do with Zouma, he can hardly walk, and Cornet who is just so poor Although asked Salthouse cannot find a home for these two, plus Ings // boy we need to shift these three on, Aguerd. Will probably, be bought on loam, with mandatory, or maybe go to Saudi, Kilman looks a player, Guilherme got the touch, and Irving, best value WH ever paid, he's a tryer, and a good goal

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20 Jul 2024 10:58:45
LONG POST. BUT YOUR COMMENTS ARE NEEDED We have the funds for the targets, but WH are NOT A DRAW CARD, for most of them, mid table finish, poor squad ( at present ) not in Europe and massive well informed competition not only are we competing with EPL there are at least 20 French German Italian Spanish Turkish Clubs that are on higher level than us and that's , on most players sought after, and that's without the Saudis! There's going to be a rethink, after the current window where it might be necessary, to build up from a lower level, there are plenty of players, wanting the opportunity to prove themselves, and Steidtens, South American scouts, need to venture other than Brazil, ** Into, Chile, Argentina Uruguay and Columbia, I have been there, and seen many terrific games and players never heard of previously, it's totally obvious, and a complete waste of time, to continue, With our present formula, only on field success will pitch us higher in pecking order, and that's not looking likely at this time we are struggling to get together the quality and the volume of players needed, Comment over

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20 Jul 2024 13:09:50
I thought bringing TS in would change our strategy but I fear it's the same old story and will be as long as sticky fingers is pulling the strings. Looking around, other clubs are doing great business, but as always we line up 30 targets for each position have talks with 20 and scatter gun low bids for 5 HOPING for a bite. Seemingly the tobido saga, he originally wanted to come to us but Nice said no to our ridiculously low offer. We then wait and wait, another club comes along and turn his head and THEN we decide to offer more which is too late and it's the same old story. Window after window Sullivan does the same thing and it will never change. Look at Villa, Ipswich, Leicester etc who have invested in sensible players. Matias Soule who we were all over is apparently about to go to Leicester.So what happened. We were all over Wan Bissaka and KWP for 2 weeks and now nothing!

20 Jul 2024 16:22:03
Joyful/Oshee, the new blokes were going to be the new Messiah’s weren’t they according to some posts on here?, I have lost interest in who we might be after or not, all bull and back handers!
New season will be the proof of what we are regardless of who we may or not sign!

20 Jul 2024 16:49:49
Couldn't have put it better CHELMSFORD. TS was supposed to be uncovering all these pearls! He spent half the window in Brazil. Apparently we've been in MORE TALKS for AC MILAN for Alexis Saelemaekers but don't hold your breath.

SAINTS have offered new deal to KWP.

TOBIDO close to Juve DEAL.

SOULE potentially of to Leicester.

So much promise this window has petered out

20 Jul 2024 16:50:33
And then we have the season ticket debacle

20 Jul 2024 18:04:31
Guys the window is open until end of August, we’re still in July, it will probably be manic come the last week of the window as it normally is, players know they’ve got plenty of time to get themselves the best deal.

20 Jul 2024 18:40:33
The same people were whinging about the same thing this time last year and the year before ……change the record guys!

20 Jul 2024 18:56:30
I think the thing here is that we expected a lot more with TS on board uncovering hidden talent

20 Jul 2024 19:57:34
Dabber, , no I wasn’t as knew nothing about the new pair together, yes I was complaining about our boring Football but so were many of us!

21 Jul 2024 08:05:55
I think you are right Joyful the successful clubs who have used this method like Brighton tend to scour Latin America and Europe rather than sticking to one large obvious country. Obviously JLo had a hand in the Killman signing but the rest or rather the lack of I do feel needs to fall upon TS. Maybe Suli is something to do with this but Tim has openly said what his responsibilities are. I don’t think it is fair to be blaming JLo his responsibility is how the team set up. I don’t ever read too much into the pre season friendlies as some years we have done brilliant pre season but when the season starts for real we have been pants. But I do think it will be a much more proactive style. As Stevie says the window is still open a few more weeks but that then has the feeling of desperation purchases when players should really have been in place to gel pre season. I suppose the real problem is how the previous manager ran the ridiculously small squad into the ground bought players like ings with massive salaries and never played him and let Zouma not only play but be captain. I don’t think a division 2 team side would take him even on a free. I think taking these things into account we should allow TS a bit of leeway but will need to get things moving in subsequent windows……….

21 Jul 2024 09:03:56
Good post Hammer-D and I think a lot of the frustration is due because we've all seen this before in previous windows. TS comes in and again all we do is weeks of talking, considering and pondering! We did all that with tye previous regime. Only 4 weeks till the start of the season and to be honest, this lot would struggle in the championship!

21 Jul 2024 09:16:50
I fear you are right mate, but hope for the best ?

21 Jul 2024 11:55:01
Chelmsford, to be honest I wasn’t referring to your comments, I was referring to the moaning about signings….

21 Jul 2024 12:42:31
I think some people are underplaying the pull we currently have . In the past 3 seasons we've won a European trophy and also reached a semi final and a quarter final plus have an average attendance of over 62 000 . Hardly shoddy. As usual our problem is the owner. Leaks more than Thames water . And also pleads poverty as much as anyone without a roof over their head .

21 Jul 2024 13:51:31
Agreed HAMMER7580. New manager and Technical director but same old story leads to one conclusion. Sullivan playing his same old games talking about players, pondering, considering and mulling looking for the cheap deal and not necessarily the right fit

21 Jul 2024 13:56:56
Dabber, that’s fine mate?Apologies for being a bit tetchy?It’s wait and see time as we know, start commenting when the season is 6 games or so in?

21 Jul 2024 16:51:56
Chelmsford, no offence taken mate, been on here together far too long to fall out with you ?

20 Jul 2024 08:40:51
Liverpool fan in peace. My wife and all her family are hammers so they’ve become my secondary club that I take an interest in.

Wondered if anyone had any insight or opinion into Johnny Heitinga who’s joined our coaching staff from yours?

Hope the season goes well for you!

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20 Jul 2024 09:37:23

All the West Ham players loved him and his training sessions. He got on well with everyone. It was a shame he left.

19 Jul 2024 19:59:55
What do we think of this window so far?

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20 Jul 2024 09:47:47
Foderingham is a cheap 3rd keeper who fills a homegrown slot. Which makes sense.

Guilherme was expensive for an unproven player, but we should trust in Steidten the pearl diver. He might make an immediate impact if given the opportunity, or he might be “one for the future.”

Kilman is a very good addition to our squad, but did use up a large chunk of our budget. Again, he ticks the homegrown box.

I’ve read so much dross about what else is happening, that I’ve almost run out of the pieces of salt I Egypt in before any transfer window.

Steidten and Lopetegui know what they’re doing and the latter wouldn’t have signed up without being confident that he would be backed.

I’ve said it before - we will have an exciting XI for our first match of the season.

20 Jul 2024 13:16:30
This would be my (hoped for) starting 11 for next season


Wan-Bissaka. Todibo. Kilman. Theate

Alvarez. Kante

Bowen. Kudus. Guillerme


19 Jul 2024 05:31:26
Brentford are apparently going to slash the asking price for Ivan Toney to less than £50m, do you think we should be looking at that, ?

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19 Jul 2024 07:36:49
Nahhhhhhhhh to much baggage and attitude. Same as Duran Duran. Never worth £40m. What has he done to warrant that value. I reckon we are doing the right thing and moving on, although, we seem to do that a lot every window because again, Sullivan loves a deal.

As it stands and rumour mill is now gathering pace, before the end of the window we may well lose PAQUETA (Who Flamengo are apparently determined to get) and KUDUS who Sudia Arabian clubs are very very interested in. Not sure how much we would get for them both, but, . it should easily be enough for LOP to rebuild the team how he wants it. I think at the momentfunds are TIGHT (I could be wrong) hence why so much wheeling and dealing

19 Jul 2024 18:37:41
West Ham are currently in talks with right backs, centre backs, defensive midfielders, wingers and most importantly, forwards.

It is hoped that some of these talks will lead to signings soon, but don't hold your breath.

Tobido don't want to come so why do we continue trying. We need full backs, at least 1 midfielder, a cb amd at least 1 striker but we are all over the place as always

16 Jul 2024 11:15:17
WOW, Is OSHEE Psychic. Look at his post dated yesterday 15 Jul 2024 at 15:23:01
"Yup the midfield is looking a bit light now. So have we arrived at the media leaks of "we can't afford Duran" phase of Sullivan's transfer strategy, then Chelsea will be in advanced talks and all of a sudden we will be close to agreeing deal for long time target callum Wilson. Seen it all before"

I've just read that WEST HAM are now looking at a DURAN alternative who was named as the dealiest striker in the PL last season. Guess who? You wouldn't believe it but its CALLUM Bloody Wilson. This has got to be another RED herring. Its so bad its laughable

I alsor ead that that this Season Ticket and seatingh issue is going to be a huge issue

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17 Jul 2024 12:34:35
Apparently we have agreed a loan to buy deal for Jean Clair-Todibo. If we pull this off it'll be a blinder.

We have also had a bid knocked back for Sorloth of Villarreal.

Oshee. you have been rather negative lately about our transfer business taking so long, but I'll repeat what I said a few weeks back, things were never going to be quick when the Euros and Copa Americas were taking place. Have a little faith

17 Jul 2024 15:13:32
I got faith in TS AND LOP and I love our ambition, I however have very little faith in Sullivan with his wheeling and dealing, always trying to save a £

17 Jul 2024 19:50:49
Obido is going to Juventus. He agreed to sign for us last weekend but Juventus have come in with a big wage.
Looks like will be signing AWB from Man Utd.


West Ham Rumours Banter

West Ham Rumours Banter 3

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