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01 May 2024 07:44:47
I don't know why everyone is reading the rumours regarding transfers. A high percentage are placed by agents trying to up the ante, and the transfer window does not open until 14th June. The 'new' manager will have his own suggestions in place as will TS, therefore, no one knows what is going to happen. It is all hearsay.

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01 May 2024 13:19:19
Agreed Brooking10👍👍Perhaps they’re bored! ⚒⚒⚒⚒

29 Jun 2024 13:27:47
Brooking 10👋 Andit’s still ongoing 2 months on from your original post😂Obviously nothing to do with me but can’t even bother to comment until pen is put to contracts, even then I will have no idea unless they have PL experience! We all have such varying different opinions on the players we have let alone those posters that have little idea of those we are rumoured to be linked with, I wonder how many there have actually been😂😂
Like to add Coufal especially and Soucek have had excellent Euro games and have never understood the bad criticism they have been given by some, perfection does not exist anywhere in anything and especially in Sport! ⚒⚒⚒⚒⚒

21 Apr 2024 18:58:55
Before this gets too embarrassing Sullivan needs to let Moyes go! His Time is up and the sooner its over the better!

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30 Mar 2024 14:40:15
F. westham and moyes . I'm done with this now .

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06 Apr 2024 14:54:02
I just hope Kalvin deKline plays no part in today's match versus the Wolves

13 Mar 2024 11:45:11
I see Rafa Benitez has been sacked by Celta Vigo after winning only 5 games. It's well known that Sullivan admires the Spaniard. A retrograde step if he is considered as a Moyes replacement.

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10 Mar 2024 18:20:07
Were going to lose all our best players because of moyes football. Make changes now before it's 2 late

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26 Feb 2024 16:06:01
It now transpires that, according to a source at the club, Moyes has been offered a new contract which is along the lines of what I have been saying all along. The contract is for a head coaching position, and it includes performance indicators. Tim Steidten would have sole control over transfers. Moyes has not signed it because he doesn't like it and is hoping he can renegotiate it if things improve in the remainder of the season. There's a surprise.

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27 Feb 2024 10:33:57
Correct, I also alluded to that position, Moyes can’t veto any players, transfer in or out. However, the contract apparently states, that all input from the coach will be thoroughly discussed in making choices, and the coach can put forward all his own suggestions. all incoming players will be given opportunity to prove themselves, ( can’t be benchwarmers for no reason ) Only the coach can. Pick the team, and the coach will normal circumstances permitting play expressive football ( whatever .) that means, this actually could work, it’s clever, Sullivan has been livid that three players were on the verge of signing in January, but Moyes stopped the lot to get only Phillips, he’s going to make certain it won’t happen again , this is what Moyes will have to decide for himself, he might try to renegotiate, will he walk away come end of May, or work with Steidten….we shall see

18 Feb 2024 11:53:50
This is what our brilliant and sensitive manager had to say to the media in response to supporter unrest:
"Maybe some fans want a change or maybe they've had managers who excite them more possibly. but the one who's sitting here wins more".
Deluded garbage. A man who thinks the sun shines from his trousers because he was manager of a talented team who won a third tier tournament as multi-million pound favourites against mainly unknown teams of 'farmers and goat herders'.
Mssrs Sullivan and Kretinsky - be it on your own heads if you fail to get rid of this self-opinionated and incompetent buffoon. Stop listening to idiots and start listening to the people that matter. The WHU family has had enough.

Agree46 Disagree0

18 Feb 2024 12:59:51
Is there any reason this was not posted in the Banter section as it is related to the topical discussion there? Thanks.

{Ed001's Note - then it should have been a reply rather than yet another thread on exactly the same subject as the hundred preceding it.}

18 Feb 2024 13:19:27
Thanks. Sorry, but it wasn’t a reply. It was a new element to the general discussion on Moyes’ managerial style perfectly illustrating his egotistical attitude, don’t you agree?

{Ed001's Note - it just feels like the same topic as all the other threads on him so would have been better as part of one of them. I get you want him out, but it does get a bit much when that is all that is there to read.}

18 Feb 2024 14:02:28
Thanks for the reply and I understand your reason. However, this latest comment by Moyes has ratcheted up the feelings of many WHU followers and has turned a number of previously undecided against him, so it’s extremely important.

{Ed001's Note - but it is exactly the same stuff as he always says. I would think the defeat is more the reason for them turning against him.}

18 Feb 2024 15:20:25
Not quite. This is the first time the away fans have openly turned against him. The anti-Moyes feeling has moved up to a different level and this comment was his response.

{Ed001's Note - yes but the catalyst was the defeat, not his comments.}

18 Feb 2024 15:27:41
See article on Claret and Hugh:
After the defeat at Nottingham Forest on Saturday, followed by the fans ” Moyes Out” demonstration things are very much on the turn inside the club, and his disgraceful claim that he is a more winning manager than the best in our history – Ron greenwood and John Lyall – has gone down like a dead weight among backroom staff and boardroom members writes Hughie Southon.

{Ed001's Note - but he has openly said these things before. It is not new.}

18 Feb 2024 15:41:22
Not with the strength of feeling against him.

18 Feb 2024 16:28:52
Quite a number of West Ham forums have highlighted and commented on Moyes’ post-match comments about being a winner.

That indicates to West Ham supporters that this time it’s different.

Loads of WHU fans are incensed over these remarks. This time, he’s made a bad mistake.

22 Feb 2024 08:32:36
It isn’t deluded garbage though is it? He’s admitting his style of football isn’t the greatest to watch, doesn’t apologise for that and states he has the best win rate.

I know you hate Moyes Tim, but he has been your most successful manager for some time. These are facts

22 Feb 2024 12:57:53
Moyes was manager of the favourites to win a third rate cup competition where the vast majority of opposition teams were extremely low ranking teams that most people had never heard of. It was like Real Madrid playing in a tournament where all other sides were from the National League. WHU were hot favourites. It’s the only thing he’s won. Fact.
John Lyall won the FA Cup at WHU in 1975 and 1980. Fact.
Ron Greenwood won the FA Cup in 1964 and the European Cup Winners Cup in 1965. Fact.
That’s what winning playing attractive football looks like. Not the deluded garbage version of being a winner according to Moyes. Fact.

22 Feb 2024 16:09:23
Ed001’s, Entirely agree with your comments on the Parrot Posts about DM and his style of Football blah, blah, blah! 😴😴😴😴😴As if the majority of us don’t know what’s been repeatedly posted on numerous occasions on here.

23 Feb 2024 10:13:49
Like those banging on about how our non-scoring striker runs aimlessly around frightening defences? Or those who flip-flop in their opinions on our style of football?

23 Feb 2024 12:16:32
So who are the non scoring players would you prefer to watch that don’t even bother to chase around, having said that don’t bother replying as I would have read it all before🥱😴🥱😴🥱😴
Don’t like being antagonistic towards fellow posters but you do love the last same words!

23 Feb 2024 16:02:52
“….Don’t like being antagonistic towards fellow posters….” 😂😂😂

23 Feb 2024 18:58:15
We’ll do e. You’ve named your last trophies that range from 45-70 years ago.

Given that you’d think you’d take a trophy of any description and be delighted with it.

The entitlement from some is laughable.

I get you don’t like his style of football etc but to demean the achievement is sad really

23 Feb 2024 20:12:13
Some of us are old enough to have been there and seen it. We remember what it was to be entertained and to win something meaningful. To have the Scottish buffoon say that he is a winning manager and his tenure has been the most successful is the really ssd thing. He contributed very little to a forgone conclusion and is taking all the credit for it.

24 Feb 2024 07:08:17
If he doesn’t deserve any credit for any success, why exactly does he deserve all the credit for any failure?

Again, it really doesn’t matter what anyone says. You’re easily the most pig headed poster on any of these pages, proved by your argument about what constitutes a new post or follow with, well, you know, the owner and editor of these pages…

24 Feb 2024 08:17:29
I’m not the one resorting to personal insults because my opinion differs. And you obviously don’t read these pages thoroughly because, although I have steadfastly stood by my conviction that Moyes’ abilities are limited and he should therefore be replaced, I have never solely laid all the blame at his feet alone. I also blame certain members of the WHU board for the situation in which the club finds itself. What anyone says on this or any forum, constitutes part of the fan pressure on the situation, no matter how insignificant. Over the many years of supporting this club, I and many others have invested a vast sum of money. Therefore, We have a right to voice our opinions.

24 Feb 2024 11:25:03
Yet you resort to personal insults with David Moyes all day long? How is that different?

I read these pages plenty and at least 90% of what you post is whining about David Moyes or the board during what is West Ham’s most successful period in over 50 years.

24 Feb 2024 12:35:09
You know as well as I do that when I refer to insults, I refer to other posters on this forum. I have always respected that everyone is entitled to their view, no matter if I disagree with it.
You consider success to be measured in average league positions, regardless of method used. I take the view that football is an entertainment industry. I think success is not only measured by table positions, but also entertainment value in addition to trophies. If this is WHU’s most successful period, why do so many supporters feel like crap?
I complain about Moyes and certain board members purely because I genuinely believe they are what’s wrong with my club.
I also note that on several occasions in your posts, you have referred to WHU fans in the third person, indicating you do not include yourself as a WHU fan. Despite your username, do you actually support WHU?

24 Feb 2024 15:27:16
Ah, I see Irons87 does not even support West Ham. He’s a Liverpool supporter using a West Ham supporter username, who insults a West Ham supporter for voicing an opinion about West Ham on a West Ham site. OK. Liverpool will have a managerial vacancy in the summer, so how about the marvellous David Moyes going to Anfield, so he can walk alone on the Mersey? My guess is Irons87 wouldn’t want Moyes anywhere near his club.

25 Apr 2024 07:45:45
Both have points, although it cannot be argued that Moyes is our 3rd most successful manager ever, and our most successful Premier League manager.

16 Feb 2024 19:05:22
According to reports, Roy Hodgson is to step down as crystal Palace manger and they are likely to appint Oliver Glasner on a two-year deal

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16 Feb 2024 16:58:57
Why in his pre match conference did david moyes say "If we can pick up another FIVE or so wins this season, it will get us in a good position" so that would make us safe but effectively end our season with no chance of silverware out of both domestic cups and likely to be out of europa league also! If this is not a lack of ambition I don't know what is? Surely we deserve better than this? SURELY!

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17 Feb 2024 14:29:31
Antonio starting today against Forest, well pleased about that, come on Ant🎉🎉⚒⚒⚒⚒best we have up front anyway apart from Bowen, Kudus, imo👍At least he hustles and bustles the defenders when he’s not falling over🤣🤣⚒⚒⚒⚒COYI

20 Feb 2024 11:58:55
What about scoring goals?

14 Feb 2024 13:54:43
"Senior West Ham stars are keen to learn who their manager will be in the long term, sources have told Football Insider, " the report states.

"It is believed the West Ham players want a final decision to be made in due course with the uncertainty not helping performances or results and continually giving him 2 more games or 4 more games is not helping to calm the situation in the dressing room"

So, not only are the fans not happy, neither are the players

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