07 May 2024 23:33:09
anyone knows who else will leave West Ham with DM?

1.) 08 May 2024
08 May 2024 06:20:05
From the rumours theer seems to be a new name every day. If they want to leave, let them leave, as long as we get a decent price for those we can sell. The rest can go. No loyalty in football anymore

2.) 08 May 2024
08 May 2024 08:49:55
Devon, all new Managers being their own entourage of yes men with them, hopefully those with strong connections to our club e.g. ex players will stay?
I have never seen much communication between Kevin Nolan and DM so I hope K.N. Stays?
I still hope DM gets a rousing reception come the final whistle on Saturday, I want him gone but that can’t detract from the job he’s done! He’s a very professional man that has conducted himself very well, but time for a new manager!
Like to see Paqueta go, a bloody liability and dirty player at times, also the very obvious so-called forwards that have been a complete waste that were DM signings if we can offload them?